December 15

Gather ‘Round, Ye Children Come

by Brenda Beres

My southern heart quickens at these words, ”Gather Round Ye Children Come.” My grandmother, my mother, and me – we were natural storytellers. From the cricks, the fields and hay barns, the adults would gather the kids to tell stories. Well, THE story is here! The best you will ever know.

These last few years have brought me to searing loss and indescribable loneliness, but the Author isn’t finished. The story isn’t over! So the song instructs us:

                                    “Sing out for JOY!”

Why? We have been rescued by a Savior, a keeping, guarding Savior who adores us.

                                    “Sing out for JOY!”

Because the power of death is undone. My God has the Name above every name. And as this world groans and hurts, a new world is coming and at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess.

This song is fairly new to me, but it reminds me, and you, dear ones, that during our lives and during this Christmas season to: Listen to the old, old story, Remember the old, old story, and Tell the old, old story!

Kim Spear