Sojourn Middle School is the place for students grades 6-8.

Check out Upcoming Events!

Schedule for Sunday mornings:

MS & HS are helping the younger kids during the month of February with weekly skits about ‘super heroes and villains’. Here’s the plan:

  • Sundays, February 2nd & 16th - meet downstairs at 10am to rehearse skit. Perform simple skit at 10:35. Afterward, head to Sojourn rm. for breakfast and discussion.

  • Sundays, February 9th & 23rd - meet downstairs at 10am to rehearse skit. Perform simple skit at 10:35. Afterward, head upstairs to the main service.

  • Sundays, March 2nd, 16th & 30th - downstairs for breakfast and discussion

  • Sundays, March 9th & 23rd - upstairs in main service

    Be looking for an event calendar coming soon & Parents of Teens monthly gatherings!


*For text alerts and event/schedule updates for Sojourn Middle School, email: