Spiritual Practices: How We Grow

As a complement to the theme “The One Thing” for this year, the first Sunday of each month will highlight important habits of the faith that increase awareness of God’s presence, promote individual spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with Jesus. Do you consistently read your bible? Do you take opportunities to pray and confess your sin? We look forward with great anticipation to what God will teach us this year!

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The One Thing (a series in Luke)

Mary or Martha?

It’s tough, sometimes, to choose stillness rather than dashing around to prepare for the next thing. “But, it’s got to get done…” we tell ourselves. “I’ve got a list!” What if it was actually better… in all the ways that really matter… to set the ‘to do’ list aside and instead, discover the ONE THING worth being concerned about?

We are taking a deep dive into the book of Luke in 2025. Our prayer is that each of us would learn to sit more often at the Lord’s feet, spending less time fretting over whatever big thing is coming up, and more time listening to what He has to teach us.

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The Weary World Rejoices: Celebrate the music & message of Christmas

December and January 5th…

The theme for our Christmas season and celebration this year is,“The Weary World Rejoices: Celebrate the music & message of Christmas”. To facilitate this period of anticipation and waiting, members of our MSCC family, pastors and staff have provided daily, personal devotional messages, each focusing on a different beloved Christmas hymn, carol or traditional song. Some of these will be very familiar and some maybe not so much, but please take some time each day during December and through Epiphany to read and reflect on each devotional, written from the hearts of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.

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Guest Speaker: Craig Hammond

Because we have a loving heavenly father who gives us comfort, we are empowered to share this comfort to others in their time of need.

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Kim Spear2 Corinthians
National Grandparents Day - Grand Connections

Grand Connections is a newly minted ministry that commits to do the following:

  • Elevate, encourage and equip grandparents and others who are positioned to influence the next generation for Christ. 

  • Hold interactive meetings, utilizing a variety of formats and themes to address important issues.

  • Find solutions and share advice/ideas for intentional, positive and impactful interactions with grandchildren (or nieces and nephews).

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