
It is our sincere desire that each person who comes to or connects with Meadow Springs feels welcomed and cared for. We feel privileged to offer prayer as a means to care for those who desire it. If you are in need of prayer support in any area of your life, please fill out THIS FORM and your response will be forwarded to our pastoral staff.

Care Resources

If you are facing challenges, our CARE Ministry team can assist you in finding help within the church, as well as within the broader Metro area.

I want to help - fill out THIS FORM to add your name to the Care Ministry Volunteer list.

If you have a desire to help meet the needs of someone who is unable to do for themselves due to an injury or illness, please fill out the form above and you will be placed on a contact list for Care Ministry requests.

I need help - fill out THIS FORM to be connected with our CARE Ministry team.

The scope of ‘help’ being offered is limited to normal activities of daily living, meal provision, yard & household upkeep and maintenance. If you require more specialized help, our Care Team may be able to connect you with a reputable and certified professional.


"All the believers were together and had everything in common...they gave to anyone as they had need."
Acts 2:44-45

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, does God's love abide in him?" 
1 John 3:17