What the Pastor Wants to Hear

October 10, 2021

What does it mean to live as citizens of Christ's kingdom in a hostile community? After all, just saying you follow Jesus is enough to stir up opposition these days. It means we stand firm in one Spirit, striving together in unity for faith in Jesus. To live a life worthy of the gospel is to stand together for Christ and not be scared off.

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WeeklyKim SpearPhilippians
What Really Matters

October 3, 2021

Paul had a strong message for the worried church community: "Get your mind off me because it isn't about me." He was in prison, surrounded by a guards and fellow prisoners who heard nothing preached but Jesus Christ. He was adamant - no church can survive built on or around a human leader. Paul was held captive, Christ was not. Paul was not the savior of the church, Jesus Christ was and Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

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