Fall 2021 B.L.E.S.S. Series | the book of Matthew

November 21, 2021

As our fall b.l.e.s.s. series comes to a close, a bit of an object lesson comes to mind. An experienced angler sits in a boat or wades down into a shallow river, hoping to catch 'the big one'. The right pole... the appropriate line and lure, right? He came prepared. When we invest in those around us and display the gospel to them in our words and actions, we do so possessing every tool we will ever need. God has given all of them to us.

November 14, 2021

Living out the gospel requires boldness. Be ready with the truth - don't keep quiet or be subdued about it. Will you stand on a stage and proclaim it or will you hide, never emerging from your safe shelter?

November 7, 2021

We do not carry the responsibility of someone's 'yes' or 'no'. The message is the same either way. Our part is to live simply, serve others and share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who want to hear.

October 31, 2021

Imagine seeing every person, in every circumstance, through the eyes of Jesus. That annoying solicitor at your front door or on the other end of the phone is suddenly someone working a thankless third job to provide for a family. The short-tempered grocery clerk who was too rough with your carton of eggs quickly becomes a brand new dad whose newborn is still in the hospital with an undiagnosed illness. Jesus sees it all... sees US ALL... for what we truly are; His creation, His workmanship, His Image.

Series, BLESSKim SpearMatthew