January 2
The Spirit of Christmas
by Kathryn Felix
When I listen to this song, the first thing that I think of is a feeling of nostalgia. If you are like me, this song makes you think of the movie Christmas Vacation. Clark Griswold gets trapped in his attic and ends up watching old reels from his childhood Christmases. This song is playing in the background.
It seems we like to rush into Christmas. We can’t wait for it to get here, all excited anticipation. However, the moment it’s here, there is a rush to pack it up and move on. This song talks about slowing down and enjoying Christmas, wishing it could last. Spending time with the ones we love, walking in the snow, singing songs about Jesus (going to church). When we feel nostalgic, it is for those times. As we come to the end of another season of Christmas, take some time and think back on the time with your family and friends. Good, exhausting or frustrating, treasure these memories. Perhaps be available for someone with whom you did not get a chance to spend much time. Leave up some of your decorations. Slow down and savor the season.