December 25

Good Christian Men Rejoice!

by Joe Core

Verse 1 - Give ye heed to what we say: Jesus Christ is born today! Man and beast before Him bow, and He is in the manger now!

This verse reminds us to remember our precious Lord’s birth. Yes, this is the heart of Christmas. Today let us joyously remember His glorious birth, knowing that He came not to condemn us but to save us. This Christmas morn may our Father in Heaven open the eyes of our heart that we might see His beloved Son, Jesus, and Savior of the world.

Verse 2 - Now ye hear of endless bliss: Jesus Christ was born for this! He has opened heaven’s door, and man is blest forevermore.

Jesus Christ opened heaven’s door by becoming the atoning sacrifice for our sins on the cross. All who place their faith in Him and what He did for them receive the blissful gift of eternal life.

Verse 3 - Now ye need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! Calls you one and calls you all, to gain His everlasting hall.

 We no longer need to fear death. Our hope is built upon these bedrock words of Jesus, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). Let us never forget that Heaven is coming and the victory belongs to all who believe in Jesus. He was raised and we will be too! Merry CHRISTmas!

Kim Spear