December 24
Still, Still, Still
by Nancy Curtis
As Christmas approaches and I ponder the wonder of the birth of our Savior, I can’t help but think of what Mary must have experienced as she held Jesus in her arms. Precious are the memories of holding my newborn babies close, softly singing words of love and comfort and whispering prayers of gratitude and hope for their future.
“Still, still, still” means “hush, hush, hush” in English. In this beautiful Austrian lullaby published in 1865, we find ourselves in the quiet of the night with Mary as she gathers newborn Jesus in her arms and cradles him close to her breast. Lovingly she hushes him and whispers to him of angels singing his birth. As Mary soothes Jesus, she recalls what the angel Gabriel announced to Joseph and her while she was pregnant. This precious baby would be the son of the Most High and when grown, he would save his people from their sins. Mary sings of how great God’s love for us must be that he would leave his heavenly throne and come to earth to walk with man, to atone for our sins and to take us to heaven when our life on earth is over. As the lullaby ends, we are called to kneel at Jesus’ feet in worship.
As a student of German, I enjoyed reading and listening to the lyrics in German. If you are so inclined, please use this link -