Love This Book in 2023 (Part 1 - The Story)


Our big goal for 2023 is to fall more in love with Jesus as we journey through each book of the Bible, discovering how they all contribute to one story of God’s commitment to bless humanity and redeem a fallen world.  



April 9, 2023

We’ve been going through each book of the Bible this year, and we land in the book of Esther this Easter Sunday. It might seem odd, but consider a couple of things: Are we willing to trust God’s providence even when we cannot see Him working? Do we believe that God uses the mess and moral ambiguity of people to accomplish His purposes? YES! We know He is ALIVE and always working behind the scenes, no matter how bad things get, committed to redeeming this world.

April 2, 2023

“We are Your people, the sheep of your pasture; we will thank you forever and ever, praising your greatness from generation to generation.” Psalm 79:13

What makes someone worthy of such adoration? Trust, confidence and honesty - tell Him ‘all the things’ …the good and bad. He made you. He loves you. He already knows.

March 26, 2023

The Israelites are returning to their homeland after exile to Babylon. They desperately desire to rebuild the temple and set right their relationship with God - their hopes are high, but opposition causes some low morale. Again, they are disobedient and therefore, disappointed. What will God need to do to transform their hearts so they will follow and obey Him?

March 19, 2023

The people of Israel got their king - several of them, in fact. It’s what they asked for, right? But what did having a king actually achieve? Not much… Sin again rears its destructive head and all of the kings, one right after the other, run Israel into the ground. So, what now? Is there anyone who can get things back on the right path?

March 12, 2023

When the people of Israel ask for a king, they are asking for someone who would provide a sense of security and safety in a scary world. How do we, today, learn to look to Jesus and trust God in the areas where we feel insecure?

March 5, 2023

This is our God. This is who He is - He loves us. This is our God. This is what He does - He saves us. As worshippers of Yahweh, there are no truer words!  We come to the LORD in worship and in celebration of what He's done in our lives... HALLELUJAH!

February 26, 2023

The book of Ruth is a beautiful example of how God works behind the scenes and how His will is so connected to our daily lives. But why? Might He have had a grander purpose for Ruth? How about now? Is God working in the “day to day” of our own lives?

February 19, 2023

The book of Judges is the tragic story of Israel’s moral corruption and bad leadership - basically, they were a total failure. They had become no different than the Canaanites that had just been destroyed. Here’s an interesting question: What kind of impression would the book of Judges make on someone who was reading it for the first time? Yikes…

February 12, 2023

The book of Joshua is the story of Yahweh fulfilling His promise to give Isreal the land. We know their journey to get there was, well, an extended one because of their disobedience. But God… He is always faithful to keep His promises.

February 5, 2023

“Oh, what joy for those whose rebellion is forgiven and whose sin is put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of sin, and whose lives are lived in complete honesty!” Psalm 32:1-2

January 29, 2023

In the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy, the Israelites continue to rebel and only their children will enter the promised land… when will they learn? Will Moses’ final message to his people take root?

January 22, 2023

Moses is given some pretty specific instructions at the outset of the book of Leviticus. What are they for? Let’s dive in and get some insight to the book, it’s important theme of holiness and how God’s people respond to some uncomfortable truths.

January 15, 2023

The book of Exodus opens on a depressing note. Jacob and his sons have died. However, the writer tells us there were many decendants. So many, in fact, that they quickly filled the land and caught the eye of the new king… and not in a good way. So begins the long and terrible Egyptian enslavement of the Israelites. But also on display were God’s great signs and wonders and His unmistakable provision and presence among them.

January 8, 2023

On January 8th, we begin a year-long deep dive into the narrative of the Bible and discover how as a whole, it tells the story of God’s commitment to bring good out of evil.