No Fear
Just like a diet of nutritious food allows our physical bodies to function properly, feeding our heart and mind with the vital nutrients of God's Word keeps our thought life healthy and in check.
Discussion Questions:
Follow up from last week, Philippians 4:4-7; How did you do at presenting your anxieties and fears to the LORD in prayer this last week?
Think about the negative and positive messages that you encounter every day. Share one of each from this last week.
How does learning to look for "Whatever is true, ... right, ... pure, ... lovely, ... admirable, ... excellent..." bring us back to God and our relationship with Jesus?
Share one of two things from the above categories that you could focus your thinking on this week.
Hard things happen in this life - things that fill us with fear, cause us to worry and be anxious. If we give everything over to the LORD in prayer - every day and every night, a sacrifice to be placed on the altar - we can let all of it fall through our own grip and into God’s hands, trusting that He can & will handle them.
Discussion Questions:
There used to be a common saying, "Don't worry, be happy." Paul says in Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, 'Rejoice!'" What would you say is the difference between these two encouragements?
Paul talks about the "peace of God" guarding our hearts and minds. What do you think it would feel like to experience that?
What areas of your life do you want to present to the Lord in prayer, so that you can begin to experience His peace?
Be strong and courageous. OK, but what about when we're afraid or facing uncertainty? We belong to the Creator God of heaven and earth and are followers of His Son, Jesus Christ. Simply, that means we have God's promises, His presence and His people to fill our minds and shape our lives. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Discussion Questions:
What is one thing that is ahead of you this year that makes you anxious or fearful?
What are some things that Christians can do to remind themselves of God's presence with them every day?
What steps could you take to spend more time reading/listening and talking about God's Word?
Imagine the biggest 'ask' ever... so big that it's literally God-sized. Our own power will fail us every time. Instead, lay all the 'asks' on the altar - withhold nothing from Him - because He will be right there in ways beyond what we could ask or image.
Discussion Questions:
Share a time when you were afraid as a child, or when you were afraid as a parent for your child. What made you afraid?
How do you usually respond when you feel afraid about circumstances in your life?
What difference would it make if you really knew that God was actively watching over you every moment?
We all know fear. Having no fear is almost impossible in this day and age. But, do not let fear break you or undo you because God sees you and knows you.
Discussion Questions:
Share a time when you were afraid as a child, or when you were afraid as a parent for your child. What made you afraid?
How do you usually respond when you feel afraid about circumstances in your life?
What difference would it make if you really knew that God was actively watching over you every moment?
For the man or woman who claims faith in Jesus Christ, living in fear is, at its root, doubting the goodness of God. "Do not fear, for your Heavenly Father knows when even a little bird fall to the ground, and you are worth far more than any birds." Do battle with fear - do not let it destroy, discourage or defeat your faith.
Discussion Questions:
Share a childhood memory of being afraid.
What are some different ways that people respond to fear? Give examples.
When has fear been an obstacle for you in trusting God?
Homework: list the things you are fearful of today.